Website NewsOur website will grow and change over time. Here we list some of the things we are working on….
- We would like to increase the number of our Members’ boats that we can present on the world map. As they are submitted by Members, we will add them!
- The Association will continue to offer Members the high quality rudder shoes and straps, and we are working on a way to allow ordering ‘on-line’
- In the ‘Clubhouse’, members can now find merchandise for sale – items of chandlery and Nicholson 32 ‘branded’ goods with direct weblinks to the producers so that Members can order direct or through the Bosun.
- Members sometimes have spare parts or items related to their boats that are surplus to requirement – especially when retiring from active sailing and becoming Associate Members. We plan to create a ‘Bring and Buy’ page for such items. Keep an eye out for it in the coming months – please contact the Webmaster in the meantime.
- All the annual Bulletins, going back to 1972, have now been scanned and are on the site, in the ‘Clubhouse’.