Association Rules

Nicholson 32 Association Rules 2020


The name of the Association shall be the Nicholson 32 Association.

The objects for which the Association is formed are: to encourage members to exchange information pertinent to N32s, to report on cruises made by N32s, to supervise racing between N32s, to encourage members to meet their fellow owners.

Any owner or part owner of a N32 shall be eligible to be an ordinary member. Members who dispose of their boats, regular crews and those interested in the Class may be Associate members.

The annual subscription shall be fixed at Annual General Meetings.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held as early as possible after the 1st January each year.

The officers shall consist of the Class Captain, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and a Committee of at least two other members.

In the event of an officer or committee member disposing of his/her yacht during his/her term of office he/she shall offer to resign from his/her office and the Committee will have the power to co-opt a replacement. But at the discretion of the committee provided that member remains an Associate member s/he may remain on the committee.

The Committee have power to co-opt additional members subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.

Any member of the Association may propose another member or Associate member to fill a vacancy on the Committee arising at an Annual General Meeting.

At each Annual General Meeting the Officers and Committee will be elected to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when they shall be eligible for re-election, providing that the Class Captain shall not be eligible to act in that capacity for more than three years consecutively. To provide a smooth transition when committee members change the previous years committee members may remain in post until mutually agreed changeover times which shall be within one month of the AGM.

The Accounts for the year ending the 31 October shall be prepared by the Honorary Treasurer, audited by a suitable person independent of the Committee, whose appointment shall be ratified by the AGM presented to the Annual General Meeting.

The Honorary Treasurer shall be authorised to operate the Associations Bank Account and sign cheques. Single signature for current account, a second signature is required for a deposit account.

Associate members shall exceptionally be eligible for election to the Committee but do not have a vote at General Meetings.

Membership of the Association by any person will be consent to the holding of relevant personal data for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1984

The Association is a non profit-making organisation and no profits or surpluses arising from the carrying on of the business of the Association shall be applied otherwise than for the purpose of the Association or for another non profit-making organisation or for charitable purposes.

Copyright © Nicholson 32 Association 1998-2020